Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Goals and Plans

I have been sort of quiet since my last post. I have yet to see the doctor in regard to the last topic I wrote about, but I am starting to not be so surprised by this. I am told constantly that it's normal post partum bleeding. I have never in my life experienced this sort of issues with my period. There will be a follow up with a Hematologist, to make sure I am not a Hemophiliac since I am having bleeding episodes now. It'll be interesting to see the results.

So again I am trying to buckle down and lose weight. This was day two of tracking calories again, watching to make sure I hit my macros, and tomorrow will be a trip to the gym. This week should prove to be interesting considering that I have quite a bit on my plate. I want to try and get into the gym at least 3x this week, despite the fact that I am going out of town with my mom for a Women's Retreat with the bleeding disorder chapter. I am pretty excited for it. But I am going to be taking work out clothes with me so that I can get a work out in on Sat and Sun mornings. We are supposed to do Yoga on Sunday morning, but I really think I am going to need to work out beforehand as well.

I really am not sure how I feel about that fact that I am planning on leaving my baby for 2 nights! I don't like the idea, but I really do need the break. I feel like I have been burning the candle at both ends. Between the accident, promotion, ex being out of town, having Jaxon 24/7, it has been a whirlwind. So I need a bit of a slow down.

Oh! Back to the weight loss thing. I did weigh myself since last week and I am down 5 lbs. Now obviously 5 lbs isn't that big of a deal for some, especially since it was probably water weight, but I seriously will take what I can get. I really should be taking before pictures, but I can't bring myself to do it. Maybe this weekend I will. Just so I know where I am starting, and later on I can go "OMG look how far I have come".

I honestly think this is one of my most boring blogs every. Ha.

Night all!