Well the world has gone to shit in a hand basket. Actually I guess that would depend on who you are asking. Some people say it is the end of times, others say that it is all a hoax that the government is using to keep us all locked in our houses. Currently there is a plague that is running a-muck throughout the entire world. Covid-19. Corona Virus. 'Rona. It's killing thousands. This god awful virus is tearing up people's lungs and putting them on breathing machines.
As a result we have all been told to practice "social distancing". What exactly does that mean? Welp, I no longer go into the office. I am completely work from home and have been for nearly two weeks. All restaurants are closed for dine in, you can only get take out or do drive through. Spas, salons, massage parlors, tattoo shops etc are all closed. Stores like Walmart have drastically reduced their hours. Walmarts nationwide are open from 8am-7pm now. Only 'essential' people are working. Which means that my husband is working outside of the home. School has been out for two weeks now, one week was for scheduled spring break, now they are out until at least 4/30/20. There are even rumors that they are going to close schools for the remainder of the year.
Life is...I don't even know how to describe it. It feels like there is nothing to look forward to. I am a social person, I always have been, and now I am stuck in the house except to go to the store maybe once a week, and to walk the neighborhood. My gym is closed, so there is no outlet for me time. It feels like the world is all waiting with this bated breath to see if everything is going to implode. Like we are waiting for the other shoe to drop. And it very well may. This virus is dangerous, it is taking people out that are young, old, and in between.
I feel like my existence is literally to work, cook, clean, take care of children. There is nothing outside of this home right now. Only this bubbling anxiety that I am going to be stuck here forever in this limbo.
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