Saturday, January 4, 2014

I'm back....

This poor neglected blog. NOt that anyone reads the darn thing anyways. That makes me more inclined to spew my contents across the figurative page. So, since the last post I have been seperated, dated, divorced officially, broken up, and moved out on my own. That is a lot of things to do in 2 years. Well 1 year actually. Crazy what can happen in one year isn't it? So the Airman and I are no more. He was a good man, but our ideals did not line up in the end. And if there was one thing that I stressed, it was that I would eventually marry and have another child, and that was just not in the stars for us. C'est le vie, they say. That was very nearly a month ago, and it still hurts a bit, but you learn to straighten your spine and move forward. It's 2014. Yes, 2014. Where the hell has the time gone. That means this year is my 10 year high school reunion. Hmm, not sure if I am happy about that, or meh. I am still debating if I want to go or not. I haven't accomplished as much as I would have hoped, and I really am not sure I feel the want or desire to go back. At least not this go around. We will see once the time comes closer. Right now the plan is to go back to school. I've waffled again and decided that it would be best to finish my RN. I mean come on, 2 years and I can finish my BSN, it really should be a no brainer. I have a back up plan, but I'm hoping I won't need it. I'm sleepy, and this wine is not helping any of that. I'm not entirely sure what the point of this blog was. I think I need to try and get back into writing on a semi regular basis. But I have the attention span of a chicken lol. Or a squrriel. Ohhh shiny. Anyways, I think it's time to finish this wine and lay down. I have been up way to late the past few nights. That is really all I have to say about that, lol. Maybe I will elaborate later on, or maybe I will keep that to myself. Though I don't think it matters, because no one reads this. Ha. Good night internet. Ama

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